Belinda Granger - Fifteen-time Ironman Champion, triathlon commentator
Episode 157: Belinda Granger - Fifteen-time Ironman Champion, triathlon commentator
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"The Greg Bennett Show"
In this episode of The Greg Bennett Show, Greg chats with Belinda Granger. Australian Triathlon legend: a Fifteen-time Ironman Champion, Triathlon commentator, and the pro liaison for Challenge Family Triathlons.
Belinda was recently inducted into the Triathlon Australia Hall of Fame for the ‘Legends of the Sport’ Award, and few are more deserving for their contribution to the sport of Triathlon than BG is.
Belinda is also an Australian IM Hall of Famer and, most importantly, has been a good friend of mine for over 30 years!
Greg and Belinda discuss the realities of being a pro athlete, the highs and the lows and how they mould and teach and motivate.
2:14 - Interview with Belinda Granger begins
I have seen the sport change over and over and over again
8:09 - Greg and Belinda rewind the clock and discuss how BG came into the sport.
14:20 - Belinda explains the moment that she realised that she was good at triathlon and was prepared to take it seriously as a pro athlete.
19:45 - Belinda explains how a DNF in Foster-Tuncurry motivated her to go all-in.
I didnt do anything silly, I just wanted to finish to prove to myself I could
25:03 - Why is Noosa one of the greatest places on the planet to live, train and base your triathlon career?
26:41 - Belinda describes in details some her greatest 'highs' in her career ... starting with Challenge-Roth.
34:20 - Greg and Belinda discuss the low's within her career and what she has learn't from them.
We all like to pretend that we are amazing and so mentally tough all the time
39:36 - We look at athletes and assume that they are invincible and never make mistakes, and we forget that pro athletes are just human. Greg and Belinda discuss the realities of being a pro athlete.
43:44 - Belinda explains how she came to deciding to retire, how it played out, and what defining moments helped her to continue to move forward after completing her pro-athlete career.
Triathlon is more important to me now as a 52 year old, than it was when I was competing
52:57 - Coming out of the pandemic, Greg and Belinda discuss the excitement around triathlon and the opportunities in the future of the sport.
57:09 - What would you tell your 18 year old self today?
1:00:07 - Which 3 people would you love to have dinner with (living or passed)? Belinda's answer is hilarious!
1:01:49 - Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
1:05:27 - Belinda and Greg complete the interview with some Rapid Fire Questions:
One book you would recommend? Mark Barretta - Greatest Moments in Australian Sport
Two most-used apps on your phone?
Toughest race?
First job?
Out of 10, how cool are you?
Which decade of music is the best?
Favorite race?
Where is somewhere you haven’t been, you’d like to go?
1:14:06 - Interview concludes
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Instagram @GregBennettWorld
And follow Belinda Granger
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With a combined 50 years of racing as professional athletes, 30 years as coaches and 30 years as athlete managers, Bennett Endurance has the knowledge, experience, and professionalism for intimate one-to-one, small group consultations, and mastermind groups. Helping you thrive and to live your high-performance life. Find out more >
Passion and Purpose. Greg Bennett is driven and cares deeply about optimizing and living a high-performance life. His passion will cause others to be inspired to optimize their own lives. Greg visibly enjoys entertaining his audience with incredible stories of finding his passion, aligning that passion with his strengths, and taking control of his own life. Be ready to be inspired and entertained. You will leave with the tools and tactics to go live your own high-performance life. Find out more >
An interview podcast show hosted by Greg Bennett. Greg interviews the world’s greatest Athletes, Entrepreneur’s and Executives diving deep into each guest’s life. Probing questions into each guests’ passions, strengths, sleep patterns, teams, nutrition, and everything else in between. These interviews are entertaining, inspiring, and educational. The lessons learned will give you the tools and tactics to optimize your life so you can live your High-performance life. Find out more >
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