Timothy O'Donnell - Ironman Champion
Episode Name: 10. Timothy O’Donnell
In this episode of BE with Champions, Greg Bennett interviews Timothy O’Donnell. Timothy is one of the world’s greatest Ironman athletes. At the 2019 Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii, he was the first American to ever break the race in eight hours. He is now only one of four men ever to break the eight-hour barrier. Together Greg and Timothy give enormous insights into how Timothy worked constantly to keep performing and racing, especially with a history of injury.
Timothy shares the stories of his injuries and how they affected his training and abilities. He mentally and emotionally handled multiple injuries with positivity, eventually finishing 2nd in 2019 Kona Ironman. Timothy discusses his diet, sleep, and mental strategies that make him one of the most successful triathletes in the world.
● [3:58] They discuss Timothy’s 2019 races, which started with an injury at the end of 2018, and other injuries throughout 2019. With the unpredictable injuries, he still finished 2nd at the Kona Ironman.
● [14:34] With Timothy’s injury, he talks about qualifying in Boulder while taking time to heal. He discusses another injury while training in Boulder, leading up to Kona.
● [16:28] Timothy talks about mentally and emotionally handling multiple injuries. He talks about staying positive while having to pull out of races.
● [21:29] Timothy shares the positive outcome of training in Lawrence, Kansas, at sea level, even though he recently broke his foot.
● [26:06} Timothy had newfound excitement and confidence going into the Kona Ironman because of his training after the foot injury. Timothy shares detail while competing against Jan Frodeno in Kona.
● [35:14] Timothy is married to Rinny O’Donnell, who is also a triathlete. They talk about the run record competition within his own household.
● [38:21] Timothy describes how he found his passion for triathlons while growing up with a very athletic family. While at a naval academy, he learned he had a talent for the sport.
● [55:09] Timothy discusses his family and wife Rinny, and the support they bring to his athletic career. He talks about his coaches throughout his career, as well as his current coach Julie Dibens.
● [59:10] Sleep is the most important recovery tip he gives to training athletes. He suggests adding recovery into a training routine. They discuss hyperbaric chambers and memory training as well.
● [1:03:58] He discusses his specific nutrition while training, his autoimmune issues, and UCAN.
● [1:06:13] Greg and Timothy explain the use of massage in their careers.
● [1:08:05] Timothy’s family also uses a lot of naturopathic health.
● [1:09:30] Timothy’s training week currently is toned down and is keeping a low race reschedule.
● [1:11:35] Timothy describes his use of visualizing, self-hypnosis, and internal reflection, where most of his positivity originates to propel himself in a race. Greg also discusses his interest in visualizing as well. Going into 2020, Timothy is using gratitude to push him through his upcoming races.
● [1:23:58] To optimize performance, he suggests using Hoka running shoes, especially athletes with an injury.
● [1:26:30]Red, White, and Blue is a non-profit for veterans that Timothy supports, as well Timothy and his wife are both spokesmen for the Ironman Foundation as well.
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Find out more about Tim O’Donnell
Watch the Tim & Rinny Show on Youtube
Follow Timothy O’Donnell:
Learn more about Hoka running shoes
Learn more about UCAN
Listen to the BE with Champions episode interviewing with Timothy’s wife, Miranda Carfrae
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Passion and Purpose. Greg Bennett is driven and cares deeply about optimizing and living a high-performance life. His passion will cause others to be inspired to optimize their own lives. Greg visibly enjoys entertaining his audience with incredible stories of finding his passion, aligning that passion with his strengths and taking control of his own life. Be ready to be inspired and entertained. You will leave with the tools and tactics to go live your own high-performance life. Find out more >
An interview podcast show hosted by Greg Bennett. Greg interviews the world’s greatest Athletes, Entrepreneur’s and Executives diving deep into each guest’s life. Probing questions into each guests’ passions, strengths, sleep patterns, their teams, nutrition and everything else in between. These interviews are entertaining, inspiring and educational. The lessons learnt will give you the tools and tactics to optimize your life so you can live your High-performance life. Find out more >
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